Sunday, October 2, 2011

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping can be a wonderful place to learn so many different things. I like my children to know and realize that all their food costs money. While it does grow on trees and in the ground, unless we have a garden that we can grow these things, they must be purchased. We are also upfront with our children if something is unnecessary or unaffordable. These are things that can be taught in the store. The grocery store is full of unnecessary things, and it will really depend on your family on what you deem unnecessary.
The grocery store can be particularly good for discussing health and healthy eating habits. There is a vast amount of things to look at and discuss what you should and shouldn't eat. Even just watching you shop can be a wonderful thing for children. They can see ( to a point) where their food comes from. Now you can always take that a step further depending on your area. Healthy eating habits are good to get into children while they are still young.
I do generally enjoy shopping with my children, though it is definitely easier to do it by myself. I try and make it as enjoyable as I can for both of us. We'll play simple games i spy and guess how many. We'll talk about hwere things come from and how thing are made. There are simple ways to make an everyday mundane trip, fun and exciting for kids.

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